Degree Courses

Orientation for new students 


Single Cycle Degree Courses 

Veterinary Medicine 

The Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine is a Master’s Degree Course (Class LM-42 of the Master’s Degrees) organised according to the procedures set out in the D.M. 270/2004 for all 5 years of the course. It issues the final title of Master’s Degree in Veterinary Medicine. The Master’s Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine is limited access (entrance exam) , single cycle (it does not issue an intermediate degree) and requires attendance of a range of activities (theoretical and practical) for the entire duration of the course. Participation to a minimum of 70% of these activities is considered strictly necessary. The certificate of attendance is issued by the teacher of each teaching module who establishes the methods to verify the presence of the students in theoretical and practical activities; the student is admitted to the exam of the Integrated Course following the presentation of the certificates of attendance of each individual module 

Three-year Degree Courses 

Sciences and Technologies of Animal Production 

In the academic year 2020/21, the three-year degree course in Sciences and Technologies of Animal Production (Class L-38) is open to access. The course trains three-year graduates with knowledge concerning the breeding of livestock species and the resulting production. Graduates in Sciences and Technologies of Animal Production can work as a freelance operator in all areas of animal production, such as the technical, hygienic and economic management of livestock, agro-zootechnical and agro-food companies. 

Animal Breeding and Dog Education Techniques 

The Degree Course in Animal Breeding and Dog Education Techniques (Class L-38) is a three-year degree course and includes an admission test. The course trains three-year graduates able to deal with the technical, hygienic and economic management of animal breeding, selection and genetic improvement, nutrition, legislation, animal health and welfare, veterinary biomedical laboratory techniques and behavioural education of the dog to promote the development of appropriate socialization. 


Master’s Degree Courses 

Sciences and Technologies of Animal Production 

The Master’s Degree Course in Sciences and Technologies of Animal Production is an open-access course and does not require an admission test (Class LM-86). The course trains graduates to develop in-depth knowledge concerning the breeding and hygiene of livestock species and the resulting productions within the context of sustainability, quality and attention to the needs of citizens. The Degree Course produces professionals who can operate in all areas of the agro-zootechnical system, such as the management of agro-zootechnical, agro-wildlife, agro-food, multifunctional agriculture companies aimed at the production of social and environmental services. They can also operate in companies supplying technical means and services that operate in the transformation and marketing of products of animal origin. 

Biosecurity and Food Quality 

The Master’s Degree course in Biosecurity and Food Quality is an interdepartmental course (Department of Agricultural, Food and Agro-environmental Sciences, and Department of Veterinary Sciences) and interclass LM-7 (agricultural biotechnology), and LM-70 (Food Science and Technology). The course prepares professionals able to deal with the various problems related to food production, with particular regard to the control of food safety and quality requirements, to monitoring and traceability throughout the food chain, to formulation, transformation and bio-transformation, conservation and bio-conservation of food products.