The Department of Veterinary Sciences (DVS) has articulated the management of its quality policy through the following organization.
Head of the Department: directs and manages the Quality Assurance (QA) System of the DVS
Department Council: it is the main decisional body for planning and coordination of the Department’s activities in accordance with the provisions of the University Statute and the Department Regulations; it plans and carries out QA activities related to teaching and research
DSV Steering Committee: proposed by the Head of the Department and appointed by the Department Council, it has the task of facilitating and promoting relations between the department and the production context, bringing training courses closer to the needs of the labor market and collaborating in defining the needs of stakeholders; it monitors the adaptation of the curricula offered by Degree Courses and evaluates the effectiveness of employment outcomes.
DSV Faculty-Student Joint Commission: appointed by the Department Council, it evaluates, on the basis of the information contained in the Scheda Unica Annuale of the Degree Courses (SUA-CdS) and other available sources, the educational offer and the quality of teaching, as well as the service activity to students by professors and researchers; it identifies indicators for assessing the results of teaching and student services and monitors ESEVT indicators; it formulates an opinion on the activation, modification, and suppression of the Degree Courses, as well as on the regulations of the Degree Courses; it formulates opinions on the consistency between the credits assigned to the training activities and the specific objectives of the Degree Course; it draws up an annual report containing proposals for improvement to be sent to the University Quality Presidium (PQA) subject to the approval of the Department Council.
President of the Degree Course (MV, STPA, TAAEC): he/she supervises the activities of the Degree Course according to the provisions of the University Statute and the Department Regulations; he/she is the peripheral operational manager of the entire QA process of the Degree Course and it’s responsible for the design, implementation, and verification (Annual Monitoring and Cyclical Review) of the Degree Course; he/she is the guarantor of the QA of the Degree Course at the peripheral level; he/she informs the Head of the Department about any problems that could affect the proper performance of teaching activities; he/she communicates the results of activities, in particular through the SUA-CdS.
Review Group of the Degree Course (MV, STPA, TAAEC): coordinated by the President of the degree course, it comprises at least one teacher belonging to the Degree Course and at least one student; it carries out the annual monitoring and cyclic review of the Degree Course, identifying its strengths and weaknesses, identifying improvement actions and verifying their correct implementation towards all interested parties.
Department Research Commission: appointed by the Head of the Department and composed of teachers from the DVS and a representative of the technical-administrative staff, it identifies the indicators for monitoring and evaluating the research and third mission activities of the DVS; it formulates and proposes the research strategy of the DVS to the Department Council, identifying the objectives and drawing up an overall program of activities, consistent with the University policy and with the resources of the DVS.
DVS Quality Group
- Quality Assurance Manager of the Department: delegated by the Head of the Department, he is the interface figure between the PQA and the DVS as regards the QA System; it complies with the QA guidelines defined by ANVUR and disseminates them within the DVS; it coordinates and facilitates the work of the Presidents of the Degree Courses and the Head of the Department in the drafting of the SUA-CdS and in carrying out the review activities; it promotes communication within the DVS and with other structures involved in the training processes.
- Director of the Quality System for UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification: appointed by the Head of the Department, he is responsible for keeping the Quality System updated in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, for supervising the correct management of documentation and for making sure the correct performance of the activities, to manage the archiving of data and quality registration documents.
- EAEVE Accreditation Delegate: the delegate of the Head of the Department, is responsible for the development and coordination of the activities necessary for maintaining EAEVE accreditation, with constant monitoring of compliance with the indicators and requirements set out in the Manual of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). He is responsible for encouraging the internalization of EAEVE standards in the context of the bodies and processes of the DVS.